Good governance guarantees the success of a business venture unlike anything. The core centre of Jansons comprising top echelons of its management ensures the group’s smooth functioning here. The centre decides the business affairs and provides directions to various business heads reporting to them directly.
Periodic meetings are held to discuss, review, analyze and churn out strategies for the development of the group companies. Every single plan including that of diversification gets scrutinized on the core centre table, before approving it with desired intellectual modification.
The centre reviews the overall and individual performance of various enterprises under the banner Jansons.It also advises the group companies on key functional issues including marketing, sales, HR and legal aspects. This systematic approach has indeed earned Jansons the status of a well-known corporate entity in many a countries where we function.
The top most management members T S Natarajan, T N Kalaimani, T N Thirukumar, T Navinkumar and T Ashwinkumar constitute the core centre in Jansons.