Our Commitment

Being an industrial conglomerate with international presence, Jansons strives toward imparting goodness to all and everyone it is linked with one way or another.

As ascertained in the mission statement, our first and foremost commitment is towards the community from where we evolved. We are committed to serve the society in the best possible manner in all spheres of our expertise. Creation of wealth and employment opportunities for the communities we serve has been one of our prior concerns, which in return has helped the growth of our group companies.

As a responsible business entity, Jansons’ commitments towards our employees, customers, investors, our nation and most importantly towards our environment are indisputable. As for serving our employee community, we value human resources and its potential. With a view to increase productivity and thereby benefit the society, we are committed to conduct regular training programs to enhance the skills of our staff. Our commitment extends to provide our team members with safe working environment as well.

Jansons is committed to provide our valuable customers with the best quality products / services at a most genuine price. We do strive to be transparent in our dealing with our investors, and bring them value for their money.

Helping our nation to develop, as our business grow is one of our unfailing policies. Jansons Foundation and the humanitarian initiatives it encompasses are but our humble steps to help nation building.

Also our commitment is at its high when it comes to restoring the nature and protecting its resources from undue exploitation.